Web Dev & SEO Services

If you’re looking for top-notch page speed optimization, then I’m your guy. With over a decade of experience as a freelance web developer, I’ve earned my place as one of the top-rated professionals in this field. I pride myself on my efficiency, precision and innovative techniques that guarantee success. Trustworthy and reliable, I always strive to deliver exceptional customer service. Choose me, Aljun Majo Web Developer & Technical SEO, and let’s turbocharge your website’s performance together.

As a seasoned web developer with specialized skills in technical SEO, I’m confident that I can revolutionize your content writing process through AI. My innovative, efficient, and adaptive approach allows me to create AI-powered solutions that streamline content creation, optimize SEO strategies, and enhance your online visibility. With my assistance, you’ll be provided with high-quality, engaging, and SEO-friendly content that not only attracts but also retains your target audience. I’ll ensure that the AI-written content is customized to your specific needs and preferences, saving you time and resources while maximizing your digital impact.

Website Migration

If you’re looking for a pro in website migration, I’m your guy. As Aljun Majo, I’ve been a top-rated web developer and technical SEO expert for over a decade. My track record speaks for itself and my commitment to efficiency, versatility, and reliability is unwavering. I understand the importance of smooth website migration without any loss of data or downtime; that’s why my services are top-notch. Trust me when I say you won’t find someone more dedicated to delivering great customer service than me! So choose me, you won’t regret it!

On-Page SEO

As a skillful and reliable web developer, I’m your go-to person for effective On-Page SEO. My strategic approach ensures that your website is optimized to achieve higher search engine rankings and attract more organic traffic. I’ll handle everything from keyword insertion, meta descriptions, to URL structure, making sure each page on your site is fully optimized. Trust me to lay the groundwork for robust Off-Page SEO strategies by first acing your On-Page SEO requirements.

As a freelance web developer, I’m skilled not only in building and maintaining websites but also in technical SEO. My aim is to help you enhance your website’s visibility on search engines. I’ll work on the backend of your site, performing tasks like optimizing your site structure and speed, resolving crawl errors, creating XML sitemaps, and implementing structured data markup, among others. With my proficiency and reliability, I’ll ensure that all the technical aspects are taken care of, making your site more appealing to search engines and boosting its organic ranking. So your business can reach a larger audience and drive more traffic to your site.

As your dedicated web developer and technical SEO specialist, I’m equipped to help you build or enhance your Private Blog Network (PBN). Leveraging my innovative approach, I can efficiently create unique, high-quality websites that can boost your main website’s SEO ranking. I understand the intricacies of PBNs and how to use them effectively without falling foul of search engine guidelines. You can rely on me to deliver an effective, efficient service that will improve your online visibility and contribute to your business growth.

As an experienced Web Developer and Technical SEO Consultant, I’m committed to helping you optimize your website for search engines. I understand the intricacies of SEO and how it can drastically improve your online visibility. With my innovative, efficient, and reliable approach, I’ll analyze your site’s technical aspects, identify areas that need improvement, and implement strategies that comply with the latest SEO standards. I’ll help you build a website that’s not only user-friendly but also search engine friendly, enhancing your chances of ranking high in search results.

As a seasoned web developer and technical SEO specialist, I’m here to help you enhance your website’s visibility and engagement with my service ‘Create Custom JSON-LD Schema Markup‘. By leveraging my expertise, I can provide unique JSON-LD schemas that improve your site’s communication with search engines. This means more accurate categorization and better search result rankings for your business. I pride myself on being innovative, reliable, and extraordinarily detail-oriented, ensuring that the job is done right the first time, every time.

As a freelance web developer and technical SEO expert, I can help you navigate the complex world of online marketing. By combining my innovative strategies with a reliable approach, I ensure your website not only looks great but also performs at its best. My strategic SEO services are designed to improve your website’s visibility on search engines, attract more traffic and increase conversions. I’m based in Cebu, but I work with clients from all over the world. So, whether you’re just starting out or looking to improve your current SEO efforts, I’ve got you covered.

Did you know 64% of consumers use Google My Business to find contact details for local businesses? I’m here to help you navigate the world of Google My Business Services. Whether you’re a seasoned pro or a beginner, I’ve got the tips and tricks to put your business on the map. Let’s cut through the jargon and get you the freedom of visibility your business deserves. Ready? Let’s dive in!

Diving into the realm of Local SEO Services? It’s a game-changer for small businesses. Ever wonder why certain local shops pop up first when you Google something? That’s Local SEO flexing its muscles. It’s not as complex as rocket science, but it’s no cakewalk either. Hang tight, and I’ll demystify this potent tool that’s transforming the digital game for businesses right in your backyard. Ready to jump in?

At Aljun Majo’s SEO Services, I’m dedicated to maximizing your online presence. My Duplicate Content Audits play a crucial role. I understand the harmful impact of duplicate content on your site’s search engine ranking, which is why I’m here to help. Using an analytical, innovative, and trustworthy approach, I meticulously review your website’s content, identify duplicate issues, and provide effective solutions to rectify them. Rest assured, you’re receiving top-notch SEO services in the Philippines with me.

Looking for plans and pricing?
Get a preview of my SEO services

Basic SEO Plan

$399 per month

Basic SEO Plan offers fundamental optimization strategies for website visibility.

Standard SEO Plan

$899 per month

The Standard SEO Plan offers comprehensive, strategic, and effective search engine optimization solutions.

Premium SEO Plan

$1599 per month

Premium SEO plan offers consistent monitoring, high-quality backlinks, tailored AI-Generated content, advanced strategies, GMB Optimization for enhanced website performance, & increased web traffic.

Included Basic and Standard Plan


Do you need a website?


Are you looking for the best Web Development & SEO services?

I create quality websites that are creative, secure, fast, affordable, and optimized for Google with best practices and SEO friendly.
Contact me for a quotation if your desired service is not included in my plan checklist below.

Contact me through:
📝 My Contact form
☎  Call me (+63)967-017-2697
📧  contact@aljunmajo.com


web development services | man working on computer

Web Development and Technical SEO FAQ

Do you have questions about my Web Development and Technical SEO Services? Feel free to reach out to me anytime!

I offer various services that can help you with your web development needs. For example, I can help you create a website, set up a hosting server, deploy the website to a hosting server, and even help you with your website’s technical SEO. For more information about my Web Development and SEO Services, please email me at contact@aljunmajo.com for a free consultation or use this form to contact me.

Yes, there are other potential costs for your website. Depending on your needs, you may need to pay for web hosting, a domain name, and/or website design and development services. However, you can often find affordable options for all of these services. But if you need assistance, contact me.

Yes, Of course, I can maintain your website. Regular maintenance is vital for a website to maintain its flexibility and efficiency. In addition, proper maintenance would benefit in ensuring the security of your website, attracting new customers, increasing traffic, lowering the risk of downtime, and more. 

Yes, you can purchase your domain name. There are many domain name registrars that you can use to buy a domain name. Then, once you have your domain, I can take things from there to help you point your domain to a web hosting server. But if you need assistance, contact me.

I am well-versed in a variety of programming languages and scripts, some of which include Liquid Coding(Shopify), PHP (WordPress), Python (Django), React JS, JQuery, and JavaScript. In addition to that, I am quite comfortable working with databases such as SQLite, MySQL, and PostgreSQL.

I am a one-person operation with no employees and no independent contractors, and I will personally handle and finish all projects that come my way.

Yes, I can improve the speed of your website. I can help you make your website faster and more efficient and pass the Google core web vitals. If you have low scores on the Google PageSpeed test, I will do my best to improve your website speed on the Google PageSpeed test results.

Yes. Your website is going to be completely mobile-friendly, and it is going to look mobile-responsive on all devices. A mobile-friendly website will be included as part of my services if I make a website.

I frequently utilize and recommend page builders such as Elementor, DIVI, Kadencewp, and wpastra. However, I can work with whatever available page builder you already have on your WordPress website.

Yes, I offer an SEO basic setup that includes setting up Google AnalyticsGoogle Search Console, Google Tag Manager setup, and even monitoring website health issues and weekly/monthly website technical auditsSEO is usually an ongoing commitment and will require continuous work. However, I offer a package plan per month to start you off on the right foot. This plan includes the weekly website On-Page Technical SEO audit, fixing on-page technical SEO issues, optimizing the website loading speed, keyword tracking, and more. I can also offer an Off-Page SEO like creating backlinks, checking competitor’s websites, tracking keywords positions, page ranking, and more. I optimize your website for SEO as it is one of the important steps to increase the possibility of getting many leads.

If you are interested, let’s talk and contact me

Many website platforms are available, including popular ones like WordPress, Django, and Shopify. These platforms provide a user-friendly way to create and manage a website without needing to have extensive technical knowledge. If you are interested in creating a website using these platforms, I can help you to create, deploy, secure, and do technical SEO of your website.

I offer my services on a fixed-fee, hourly, project-based, or monthly retainer basis, so you may always get the services you desire. Plus, I’m open to negotiation, so you can be sure you’re getting the best service available. For smaller projects, for example, I may be able to offer a fixed-fee arrangement. In any situation, please email me at contact@aljunmajo.com for a free consultation or use this form to contact me.



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